Monday, April 02, 2007

My set of game

Many a times, we listen to past stories about how we should carry out our r/s, what are the things to look out for and attitudes we have to give in r/s.
Many a times, a girl dates with a boy, and a boy dates with a girl.
Many a times, we thought this is all the same, we should have the same rules in this dating game.
I thought I should join them in this game and obey the rules jus like others.
but slowly I realized that its impossible to abide by the same rules.

I believe and strive to work this precious one r/s right through the tunnel.
And they say people dun work out their first. We are set to prove them wrong.
I want to believe him for what he wants to do though with worries but I decided to trust him for it’s the same as respect for his integrity.
And she say be careful when he/she goes out with another single woman/man alone.

There are jus so many rules which people set after many trials and errors.
But those who came later fail to see that each r/s is unique and there will sure be some difference in your own little game.
Guess we are different in our game and we want to make our the unique one without being any follower.

Hearing your voice melts me, gentle and tender touching me deep inside the heart.


At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.


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