first post
it is always the hardest to blog the first entry.
what are we supposed to write in it?
an introduction or straight to blogging??
well... my first post should have look different from this, if... if i had pressed the correct button and not got what i've written erased from the screen. and then i went for dinner.
i was trying to state the reason for me having a blog.
why do i start a blog. why do i choose to write in english, when i have a chinese blog that was left with an entry written months ago.
will i be responsible enough to take care of this blog? again?
sometimes, i think too much. why do i have to dwell on every single thought or action, trying so hard to break their codes and get myself so worked up? and then losing the feel to jus feel.
maybe i should jus take a hiccup as a hicupp.
life still goes on after hicupping. as long as we move on to the next breath and the following word, u will live(or rather, leave it) it.
sometimes, we ask too much. maybe, we were used to comprehension questions in school.
what did jenny do in the passage? why? please explain. please elaborate.
even in school, nothing stops after the action, we are always looking for the reason behind it.
maybe. this is growing up, but then again, there are millions of paths to take in growing up. what we choose is important.
but i think i wish to be simple and jus grow up without too much why why why.
i wish to be simple and happy, jus like u.
so yes... this entry turns out to be different after all.
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