writing mood.
i am in my writing mood recently, which is good. becos the exams are still far away, 14 weeks away from the exams, which means school jus started. bahhhh
why did my writing mood comes so early this time? becos i guess, i am dealing with much more emotions this time, this semester, this year.
i left singapore feeling different this summer, usually, it's relieve, becos after 3 years, shanghai is where i lived and grow, and make frens.
but instead, i hoped i can stay in singapore for a longer period. i hope instead, i had ended my course in shanghai.
bad i know... when i had my precious frens here.
but, my jiejie here told me all these explanations are rubbish. what i am feeling now is healthy and normal. why am i afraid of it? why, to the extend i am ashamed to feeling missed?
becos, u are really missed.
i always tried to have the "love is not everything" look or even mentality, becos i thought love is not everything. it's not the most serious stuff on earth, we need to expand beyond our most intimate relationships and explore deeper into the entire human race(which for some are the whole universe).
but now, i find myself succumbing to missing u.
terrible, i found out.
BUT, glad to find out i am actually a normal girl.
i wonder. what attracts me to u? always, but u said it's beyond words.
is it? but i answered it.
so i need not give an answer to this question? but as silly as i can(and i am), i think i got the answers.
BUT, of cos they are not actually enough.
or maybe, this question do not need an answer.. or maybe it's not even a question, both of us jus need to make a statement on it. and there.... both of us started to become "we".
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